National Minimum Wage Increases as of 1st of March 2020

The National Minimum Wage (NMW) will increase from R20.00 to R20.76 for ordinary hours worked as of 1st March 2020. That is an increase of 3.8% which is approximately in line with current inflation. Farm workers, domestic workers and expanded public works programme workers will be remunerated as follows:

  • Farm workers R18.68
  • Domestic workers R15.57
  • Expanded public works programme R11.42

Learnership agreements contemplated in section 17 of the Skills Development Act are entitled to allowances contained in Schedule 2 of the National Minimum Wage Act.

Please note wage for work covered by sectoral determinations or bargaining councils may differ but all rates are subject to the National Minimum Wage Act.

Contact your nearest Express office for any queries.