Policy on Commenting
We welcome your comments, thoughts, suggestions, and questions, so please, comment away! The Express Employment Professionals SA Blog, is a moderated site, which means that we approve all comments before they are posted. We want to make sure the conversation here is – like our name says – Professional. So, please keep comments on topic and of interest to our readership.
Though we have a moderated site, it’s our goal to present a comprehensive and objective range of issues and opinions – including your comments. It’s okay to disagree with what we post, but in doing so, please be aware of the guidelines we will use when choosing whether or not to post all comments:
Express Employment Professionals SA reserves the right to not post any comments or questions that are deemed to be obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, invasive of someone else’s privacy, or objectionable in any way. Profanity, racial and ethnic slurs, and general rude behavior like disparaging personal remarks won’t be tolerated nor published.
Comments must be related to the subject matter of the post. We will not post your personal or business phone number, address, CV, or job application, among other private details, in the comments section of this blog. If you would like to submit an application for a job, please use our website or email
If you have a question about your local Express office, job application, or job order, please contact your local office directly. For all other customer service concerns, please email
Express Employment Professionals SA reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. It is the sole discretion of Express Employment Professionals SA what content we choose to post or remove at any time.