It’s the festive season and your permanent staff are leaving in droves for their annual holidays – just as you enter your busiest time of the year with big projects waiting. Don’t fear, Express Employment Professionals is here. We have the perfect solution to get the job done without you hiring extra permanent employees: project-based staffing.

What is project-based staffing?

Project-based staffing, simply put, is where a team brings on extra hands for a specific project is understaffed. Unlike permanent employees, project-based staff are hired as individuals on a finite, temporary contract basis – and when your project is done, so is your contract with them. Project-based staffing is popular during the festive season as projects need to be completed before companies close for business or if they are short-handed due to regular staff members taking leave. Usually, project-based hires are specialists in their field, rarely requiring on-the-job training.

What are the benefits of project-based staffing?

Project-based hiring can benefit your company in many ways:

  • Save money
    Forget the financial commitment to permanent staffing such as salaries, benefits and other contributions.
  • Save time
    Project-based staff save you the time involved in the recruitment of permanent staff. Time is also saved with no training needed, as project-based hires are specialists who integrate easily with your existing staff and get the job done.
  • Flexibility
    Increase and decrease your team as you need it. Bring in project-based staff when you have a heavy workload and don’t worry about finding work for them to do once the project has been completed – your contract with them is over.

Express Employment Professionals is here to help with your staffing need

Express Employment Professionals has pre-screened, professional staff for all your staffing needs. This festive season, stay on top of your projects with expert help from Express Employment Professionals.

Interested? Visit our Contact Us page to find an office near you, or fill out our convenient online form to get in touch.